Trisha of Texas has a tricky question for all of us…: We had an Apollo gate opener installed and the remotes do not work in the daytime. At night they will sometimes work when you are right at the gate. Why is that? They guy that installed it told us that is because of the sensor. Please advise on what needs to be done to resolve this issue.

Answer: Hi Trisha… may I suggest garlic cloves, holy water and a silver stake? No… Just playing around. Actually it rather sounds like the installer you chose neglected to install the antenna wire or “pigtail” as it is commonly called in your receiver to give you the necessary gain. Quick resolution if you give me the model number I can tell you exactly where to connect a 10” 14AWG, preferably solid core piece of wire to act as an antenna and give you the necessary range to open your gate at a distance.

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