Top Technologies for Parking Security: From Cameras to Bollards | All Security Equipment

Property access for both private and public settings should always be equivalent to safety and security. Parking security is one of the things to be considered, specifically in public parking facilities.

An effective security system enhances the security personnel’s efficiency when it comes to protecting the area from any criminal activity and also in implementing parking regulations.

A well-rounded parking facility must have a good surveillance system with security cameras, protective structures like parking bollards, and a convenient access control system for easy entry and exit.

7 Top Technologies to Install for Parking Security

To guarantee parking lot security, investing in current technologies improves safety measures and enhances the overall security service.

1. Security Cameras

Many things can happen in a parking lot, and safety isn’t guaranteed at all times. Even movies and TV shows portray how many crimes and other parking violations occur. Surveillance is an integral part of keeping things under control in these areas.

The installation of security cameras provides the security team with a good view of what is happening in real time, even when they are not physically doing the patrol. Security cameras also have a way to record images and footage that occurred, which can be helpful in future investigations or backtracking.

Cameras come in different types and forms. So, choose a security camera that applies to your needs. It also helps to install cameras in the entry and exit gates as well as in the parking garage itself.

2. Access Control System

The access control system plays a crucial role in granting or denying entry. It helps streamline authorized vehicles and prevents illegal entry.

The access control system only allows vehicles with parking permits or other credentials to enter. The gate operators are also mostly automated, which makes them difficult to bypass.

The access control system serves as the brain of the entire security system. It acts in accordance with how it is set up and also comes with extra features such as alarms, data encryptions, timed access, and visitor management automation, among others.

3. Payment Stations

Many public parking services have payment stations where drivers can pay – whether in cash or card – for the amount of time they park. You can find examples of this in airport parking lots or campus parking.

Cashless payments offer more convenience and make things easier. No need to fumble with coins since you can simply swipe your debit or credit card as you enter or before you leave the parking facility.

This modern approach to parking solutions aids in controlling traffic flow in parking garages by keeping cars unwilling to pay away.

4. Parking Sensors

Parking sensors offer many benefits in parking lot security and efficiency. They provide real-time updates for each parking space in the lot.

Is the parking spot taken or not? How many available spaces are there? With this data, it becomes easier to track available spaces to either allow more vehicles to enter or not.

These sensors may also have lighting systems that direct drivers to unoccupied parking spots, if there are any. Doing so reduces cruise time and prevents the build-up of traffic jams caused by vehicles driving around looking for empty spots.

5. Parking Software

Technology has come a long way in recent years. Parking facilities used to have actual people working at the parking gates to allow entry and exit and process payments.

Nowadays, however, computers are doing a lot of the work themselves. Not only do they improve parking lot security through efficient surveillance monitoring, but they also make parking easier with the emergence of parking software.

Parking software directs and manages hundreds – if not thousands – of vehicles a day. The parking allocation software, for example, allows people to determine and encode their parking needs ahead of their actual parking time. This type of parking solution is best for employee parking in large companies.

Parking software makes use of algorithms to check parking needs ahead of time. And if there is more demand than supply, the software helps prioritize who gets the parking space, e.g. senior staff member over an intern.

The software also assists in directing vehicles to specific parking zones while decluttering possible traffic jams.

6. Information Screens

The use of information screens in providing parking information further prevents congestion inside the parking area. These screens are often located before or at the entrance of the parking facility.

It shows the number of parking spaces available as well as the number of occupied ones. With this information, drivers may choose whether to go inside the facility or not.

It conserves time and effort by a huge margin since drivers won’t have to spend time looking for a parking spot in a fully occupied parking area anymore.

7. Bollards

No one can deny the importance of bollards for parking safety. These vertical posts help guide vehicles into the right traffic flow. They also tell the driver when to stop so as not to crash into buildings, posts, and other structures.

Bollards also keep pedestrians safe when installed in pathways near parking areas. Even construction site security installs temporary bollards for the safety of both workers and passersby. The presence of parking bollards within the vicinity offers exceptional protection for everyone.

How Incorporating Modern Technology Improves Parking Security

Parking lot security has greatly improved over the years. But, most parking regulations are not enough to deter crimes and other violations. Car theft, for example, has been increasing for the past years.

Such crimes can be prevented by putting parking lots under surveillance 24/7. Putting up additional security measures that make use of advanced technology also helps.

Parking security shouldn’t be taken for granted. Ensuring parking lot safety means preventing violence, crimes, and other illegal wrongdoing from happening. It also provides peace of mind for people who are using these parking facilities.

Moreover, technology has advanced greatly when it comes to making life easier. The modern technology utilized in parking solutions brings a better parking experience for drivers while also making things easier for security officers.

Even in unmanned parking stations, vehicles can come and go successfully with secured payment of parking fees. This helps parking companies earn better with minimal to no slip-ups.

Parking Solutions at Your Fingertips

The world as we know it today has come to an impressive streak of technological advancements. But, it is also experiencing an increased rate of crimes and issues that require maximizing security measures in many areas.

If you want to upgrade parking security in your area, check out All Security Equipment.

We have all sorts of security equipment and related accessories to ensure the safety and protection of properties, assets and people. Feel free to contact our customer service for queries.

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